If you’re considering braces, you might wonder if they’re worth the expense. You probably know that orthodontics can give you a bright, beautiful smile that increases your confidence and makes you feel great, but have you ever considered how orthodontic care can save you money?
Correcting alignment issues can straighten your teeth and improve your oral and overall health. Let’s look at the top four ways that straightening your smile can save you money in the years to come.
How Orthodontics Can Save Money on Dental Care
Straightening your teeth with orthodontics can make your teeth easier to care for and clean. Misaligned bites, crooked teeth, crowded teeth, gapped teeth, and other issues can lead to plaque and bacteria build-up, increasing your risk of dental problems, including:
- Tooth decay
- Cavities
- Gum disease
- Chipped teeth
- Grinding
- Enamel damage
- Uneven tooth wear
When you address orthodontic issues, you reduce the place bacteria and plaque can hide and ensure your teeth can stay healthy and bright. Minimizing dental issues is a major way to save money!
Schedule a free consultation to find out what makes Bovenzier & Baker Orthodontics the top braces and Invisalign provider in Cary, NC!
How Orthodontics Can Save Money on Jaw Operations
Our jawbones connect at a joint called the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), located just in front of the ear. Getting orthodontic treatment, especially for younger patients, can help guide jaw growth and help their permanent teeth come in properly.
Straight teeth can help prevent TMJ problems in the future. TMJ disorders often require surgery, lifestyle changes, and other significant investments if experienced later in life.
How Orthodontics Can Save Money on Pain Medication
It may seem like misaligned, crowded, or crooked teeth are not a big deal. As time passes, orthodontic issues can worsen and lead to jawbone and joint problems. When these conditions develop, the bones that support your teeth can break down, your jaw and TMJ joint may cause you pain and give you headaches or migraines.
Most people treat pain with medication, which may help reduce pain temporarily, but if the root issue is not addressed, you may spend large amounts of money on treating the symptoms and not the cause.
At Bovenizer & Baker Orthodontics, we want the best you and your health. Contact us today for a free consultation!

How Orthodontics Can Save Money on a Possible Wide Range of Medical Bills
A recent article for Harvard Health discussed studies that showed people with periodontal diseases, such as gum disease and tooth decay, are more likely to experience significant health issues, including:
- Cardiovascular problems
- Stroke
- Pancreatic cancer
Doctors are still studying these connections, but they can confidently say that people with healthy teeth who brush, floss, and visit the dentist may have better overall health.
Let the Experts at Bovenizer & Baker Orthodontics Start Saving You Money Today
Having healthy teeth, proper jaw alignment, and a good teeth cleaning routine is essential to your overall well-being. When you have a bright and straight smile, you can take on the day with confidence and comfort.
More than looking great, investing in a healthy bite can save you money in the long run. The first step of your journey to the smile of your dreams starts with your free consultation. During your first visit, we will introduce ourselves, complete a thorough exam, and discuss the treatment options that are best for you!
There’s never been a better time to start your orthodontic treatment. Get started by calling us at 919-234-5593 now!